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University of Padua

Italy, Padua    See a map
Via 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padua

The University of Padua was founded in 1222 and is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious universities.

Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Andrea Vesalio, William Harvey, Pietro d’Abano and Carlo Goldoni are just some of the scientists, physicians, philosophers, jurists and writers who have made Padua a landmark for the discovery and spread of European science and culture.

It was at Padua that Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia became the world’s first woman to be awarded a degree when she graduated in Philosophy in 1678.

The University of Padua, loyal to its motto Universa Universis Patavina Libertas, has always been a bastion of free thought, study and research.

Today, Padua is a major multidisciplinary university whose lecturers, students and staff account for almost one third of the town’s population. Its 8 schools (Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Economics and Political Science, Engineering, Law, Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage, Medicine, Psychology, Science) and 32 departments ensure that Paduaoffers a broad and varied range of subjects that cover all fields of learning.

The University is also the scientific and cultural heart of Italy’s industrious north-east, providing highly specialised training for the area’s 7-million-plus residents and its 650,000-plus businesses, a role made possible by its extensive network of campuses located across the Veneto region.

The University of Padua was founded in 1222 and is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious universities.

Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Andrea Vesalio, William Harvey, Pietro d’Abano and Carlo Goldoni are just some of the scientists, physicians, philosophers, jurists and writers who have made Padua a landmark for the discovery and spread of European science and culture.

It was at Padua that Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia became the world’s first woman to be awarded a degree when she graduated in Philosophy in 1678.

The University of Padua, loyal to its motto Universa Universis Patavina Libertas, has always been a bastion of free thought, study and research.

Today, Padua is a major multidisciplinary university whose lecturers, students and staff account for almost one third of the town’s population. Its 8 schools (Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Economics and Political Science, Engineering, Law, Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage, Medicine, Psychology, Science) and 32 departments ensure that Paduaoffers a broad and varied range of subjects that cover all fields of learning.

The University is also the scientific and cultural heart of Italy’s industrious north-east, providing highly specialised training for the area’s 7-million-plus residents and its 650,000-plus businesses, a role made possible by its extensive network of campuses located across the Veneto region.

Search and apply!

Bachelor's degree

Psychological Science
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Information Engineering
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Biology of Human and Environmental Health
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Earth and Climate Dynamics
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences
Animal Care
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
Italian Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies

Show all

Master's degree

Data Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Computer Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Computer Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Management Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Energy Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Communication Strategies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies

Show all

Single-cycle degree

Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Giurisprudenza (sede di Padova)
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Public, International and Community Law
Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Giurisprudenza (sede di Treviso)
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law

Summer Term

Italian History and Culture
Summer Term, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World


Department of General Psychology
Via Venezia, 8 - 35131 Padua

Psychological Science
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Scienze Psicologiche Cognitive e Psicobiologiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Psicologia Clinica
Master's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Neuroscienze e Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica
Master's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology
Psicologia Cognitiva Applicata
Master's degree, full-time
Department of General Psychology

Show all

Department of Information Engineering
Via Gradenigo, 6/b - 35131 Padua

Information Engineering
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Ingegneria Informatica
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Internet e Multimedia
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Ingegneria Elettronica
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Ingegneria Biomedica
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Ingegneria dell'Automazione e dei Sistemi
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering
Computer Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Information Engineering

Show all

Department of Biomedical Sciences
Via Ugo Bassi 58/B - 35121 Padua

Biology of Human and Environmental Health
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scienze Motorie
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biomedical Sciences

Department of Geosciences
Via Gradenigo, 6 - 35131 Padua

Earth and Climate Dynamics
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences
Scienze Geologiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences
Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences
Earth Dynamics
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences
Geologia Ambientale e Dinamica della Terra
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Geosciences

Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
Agripolis, Viale dell'Università, 16 - 35020 Legnaro (Padua)

Animal Care
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
Sicurezza alimentare
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
Biotechnologies for Food Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science
Biotecnologie per l'Alimentazione
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science

Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
via E. Vendramini 13 - 35137 Padua

Italian Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Lingue, letterature e mediazione culturale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Communication Strategies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
English Studies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Strategie di Comunicazione  
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies

Show all

Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Via del Santo, 28 - 35123 Padua

Scienze politiche, relazioni internazionali e diritti umani
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Scienze Politiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Diritto dell'Economia
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Servizio Sociale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Human Rights and Multi-level Governance
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
European and Global Studies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Relazioni Internazionali e Diplomazia
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

Show all

Department of Economics and Management
Via del Santo, 33 - 35123 Padua

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Economics and Management
Accounting, Finance & Business Consulting
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Economics and Management
Management for Sustainable Firms
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Economics and Management
Applied Economics
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Economics and Management
Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Economics and Management

Department of Industrial Engineering
Via Gradenigo, 6/a - 35131 Padua

Ingegneria Meccanica
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Ingegneria dell'Energia
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Energy Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Materials Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering
Chemical and Process Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Industrial Engineering

Show all

Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Piazza Capitaniato, 7 - 35139 Padua

Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Progettazione e Gestione del Turismo culturale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Storia e tutela dei Beni artistici e musicali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, Materials and Sites
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Scienze dello Spettacolo e Produzione Multimediale
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Storia dell'Arte  
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music

Show all

Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Via Venezia, 8 - 35131 Padua

Scienze Psicologiche dello Sviluppo, della Personalità e delle Relazioni Interpersonali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell'Educazione
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Psicologia di Comunità, della Promozione del Benessere e del Cambiamento Sociale
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Via Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padua

Ingegneria Civile
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Tecnologie Digitali per l'Edilizia e il Territorio
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Water and Geological Risk Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Mathematical Engineering - Study track 'Mathematical Modelling for Engineering and Science'
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Mathematical Engineering - Study track 'Financial Engineering'
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Show all

Department of Mathematics
Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padua

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Data Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Computer Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Computational Finance
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Mathematics

Show all

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Piazza Capitaniato, 3 - 35139 Padua

Scienze Psicologiche, Sociali e del Lavoro
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Scienze Sociologiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Scienze dell'Educazione e della Formazione (sede di Padova)
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Scienze dell'Educazione (sede di Rovigo)
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology
Clinical, Social and Intercultural Psychology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology

Show all

Department of Statistical Sciences
Via C. Battisti, 241 - 35121 Padua

Statistica per l'Economia e l'impresa
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Statistical Sciences
Statistica per le Tecnologie e le Scienze
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Statistical Sciences
Scienze Statistiche
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Statistical Sciences

Department of Management and Engineering
Stradella S. Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza

Ingegneria Meccatronica
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Ingegneria Gestionale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Ingegneria dell'Innovazione del prodotto
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Management Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Food Industry Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering
Mechanical Innovation for Product Engineering
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Management and Engineering

Show all

Department of Biology
via U. Bassi, 58/B - 35121 Padua; Marine Biology Building: Palazzo Grassi - Riva Canal Vena, 1281 30015 Chioggia (Venice)

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Biologia Molecolare
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Scienze Naturali e Ambientali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Molecular Biology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Environmental Sustainability and Education
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Biology
Marine Biology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Biology

Show all

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Via Marzolo, 8 - 35131 Padua

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ottica e Optometria
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Physics of Data
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Department of Private Law and Critique of Law
Via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padua

Diritto e Tecnologia
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law
Consulente del Lavoro
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law
Giurista del Terzo Settore
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law
Giurisprudenza (sede di Treviso)
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Private Law and Critique of Law

Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Via Marzolo, 5 - 35131 Padua

Scienze e Tecnologie Erboristiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences

Department of Chemical Sciences
Via Marzolo, 1 - 35131 Padua

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Chimica Industriale
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Scienza dei Materiali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies for Circular Economy
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Materials Science
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences
Complex and Data Driven Chemistry
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Chemical Sciences

Show all

Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Via del Vescovado, 6 - 35141 Padua

Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Local Development
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Mobility Studies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Scienze per il Paesaggio
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Lettere Classiche e Storia Antica  
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Scienze delle Religioni
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
Scienze Storiche  
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World

Show all

Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Agripolis, Viale dell'Università, 16 - 35020 Legnaro (Padua)

Scienze e Tecnologie Viticole ed Enologiche
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Pianificazione e Gestione del Territorio e del Verde
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Tecnologie Forestali e Ambientali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Food and Health
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Forest Sciences
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry

Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Agripolis, Viale dell'Università 16 - 35020 Legnaro (Padua)

Scienze e Cultura della Gastronomia
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Scienze e Tecnologie Animali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Produzioni Biologiche Vegetali
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Sustainable Agriculture
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment
Italian Food and Wine
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment

Show all

Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health
Agripolis, Viale dell'Università 16 - 35020 Legnaro (Padua)

Scienze Tecnico Assistenziali Veterinarie
Bachelor's degree, full-time
Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health

Department of Molecular Medicine
Via Gabelli, 63 - 35121 Padua

Medical Biotechnologies
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Molecular Medicine

Department of Medicine
Via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padua

Scienze e Tecniche dell'Attività Motoria Preventiva e Adattata
Master's degree, full-time
Department of Medicine

Department of Public, International and Community Law
Public Internal Law: Via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padua; International and Community Law: via Anghinoni, 3 - 35122 Padua

Giurisprudenza (sede di Padova)
Single-cycle degree, full-time
Department of Public, International and Community Law
