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Scienze Tecnico Assistenziali Veterinarie

University of Padua
Italy, Padua
Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health Italy, Agripolis, Viale dell'Università 16 - 35020 Legnaro (Padua)
Tuition fee €2,739 per year

For further information please visit: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees

Application fee €30 one-time

This fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €205 one-time

In order to accept your place at the University of Padua, the payment of the admission fee is required. This fee is non-refundable.

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A unique programme which provides graduates with knowledge, skills and competences in the care and management of sick, injured, hospitalised and convalescent animals, by playing a complementary role to that of the veterinarian. Students will learn to interact through an animal-friendly approach with small and large animals, to support and work alongside the doctors by managing and using specific tools also during surgical procedures, to manage relationships with owners, and to improve the patient’s condition and his prospects for recovery. The programme is strongly characterised by teachings in the health sector, while a significant part is reserved for practical activities, both in the form of exercises as well as internship activities inside and outside the University.

Programme structure

1st year courses: Animal welfare and zoology; Mathematics and Physics; Organic Chemistry and Veterinary Biochemistry; Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals; Animal Breeding and Applied Genetics , Biostatistics and Informatics; Infectious and Paraistic Diseases

2nd year courses: Principles of Animal Patology and Necropsy Techniques; Principles of Clinical Metabolism in Domestic Animals; Principles of Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Examinations; Principles of Surgical and Obstetrical Techniques; Obstetrics and Animal Reproduction; Techniques of Surgical Nursing; Technology, Environmental Control and Organisation; Veterinary Legislation and Principles of Pharmacology

3rd year courses: Diseases Management and Biosafety in Farm Animals; Diseases Management and Biosafety in Pet Animals; Management of Reproductive and Surgical Pathologies; Nutritional and Environmental Strategies for the Prevention and Management of Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases in Pets; Techniques for the Prevention of Metabolic Diseases; Health Management in Farm Animals; Nursing Techniques in Veterinary Clinics.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to carry out assistance and care tasks for pets and the protection of their well-being on farms, animal shelters, and in private and public veterinary facilities. They can also work freelance, placing their professional skills at the disposal of several structures. Graduates can also pursue their academic career in a related master’s degree.

Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025